Upcoming Events

Conflicts between insurers and insureds

An APIG SA Event

03/06/2024 12:30 to 03/06/2024 14:00

Venue: DW Fix Tucker, Level 14, 100 King William Street, ADELAIDE, SA, 5000, AUSTRALIA,
Details:Adam Rosser and Debra Lane will delve into the difficult and sometimes confusing area of the conflicts which arise between insurers and their insureds (particularly with liability policies), what lawyers and others can and should do and what can happen if these conflicts are not properly managed.

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Cancellation Policy
(For all events except the Annual APIG National Conference & Gala Dinner)

1.       Transfer of tickets / booking to another party allowed up to the event

2.       Tickets / booking can be cancelled up to 7 calendar days prior to the event with a full refund

3.       No refund will be given for cancellations after this time or “no shows”

4.       Credit notes for any cancellations will be issued in the 7 calendar days prior to the event